FAQs - Jurupa Valley Dentists


My unclaimed listing has the wrong information. Now what?


Our users can quickly find your Jurupa Valley Dentists listing as long as it is updated. To correct a listing, you must first claim it. This step helps us to prevent any erroneous updates made to your unclaimed listing by others.


To claim your listing, you will need to perform a directory search to locate your unclaimed listing. Next, click the "Claim Listing" button below your name. You can then make the required corrections after claiming.


If you do not wish to claim your listing but want a one-time correction to your information. Contact the team at Jurupa Valley Dentists and pay the one-time fee, and we will complete the corrections for you.


Maybe you aren't ready for either and prefer to remove your listing from the Jurupa Valley Dentists directory. Send a written request with proper documentation confirming your identity. Our team will complete your request once they verify that the requester matches the unclaimed listing. We will not retain your documents after the listing removal.


While you are at it, now is an excellent time to use our free location scan tool. This tool will scan your practice across all online directories and provide a report so you can see how your practice appears to others.


Why is it a good idea to claim my listing?


Google states that users find listings with comprehensive details to appear 197% more trustworthy than listings without any detail. Therefore, entice users to view your listing by ensuring it's claimed and up-to-date with all relevant information (such as hours, reviews, and services).


Why should I be concerned about incorrect listing details in my legal listing?


Companies can lose over $10 billion annually due to incorrect or insufficient online information. The reason is that 73% of users can lose trust in a company when the information listed is incorrect.


What should I include when creating a listing?


Jurupa Valley Dentists wants to make your life easier, so follow this tutorial on creating a listing.


Do I need to sign a contract?


Nope. You chose your subscription level when signing up for Jurupa Valley Dentists. However, you can cancel at any time.


Is an upgrade to a Featured or Home Page Featured listing worth the additional cost?


A featured listing will appear higher in search results, increasing your chances of getting clicks by 75%. Hence, a well-optimized profile and featured subscription will significantly increase traffic to your listing.


Now, imagine how many additional clicks your practice will receive if a user doesn't need to search the Jurupa Valley Dentists directory because your listing is prominently displayed on the homepage. A home page featured listing does just this!


Having greater visibility can mean more patients for your dental practice. Seems worth it to us.


Do I need to include all practice areas in my listing?


Indeed. Remember, users will confidently view your practice if there is a complete listing.


What should you do if the free location scan shows incorrect online details?


Reach out to the team at Localsync, who can help you lock and sync all your online location information.


How do I know which directory is the best?


We believe using multiple directories is best. Online directories are crucial for expanding your practice. Each directory provides valuable backlinks to your practice, which can help you rank higher in Google, thus improving your SEO.